Friday, May 15, 2009


niken my besties ever told me about polyvore....
and i made an account in polyvore so this is my first created by polyvore

Find me on Polyvore

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sorry it's been a long time!

hai supp! 
it's been a long time huhhh gila udah lama banget gak nge-post heheh. okay things that i've been through these days are :
1. Ujian Nasional
well, it's a tough one, gw bener2 berjuang banget buat yang satu ini 4 pelajaran it wasn't easy though but it wasn't hard either. semoga dapet nem yang bagus dan yang pasti lulus 100% 
it's a personal heheh and now i realized you have to appreciate you friend especially your best friend, because it is so easy to losing it and it's so hard to get it back. friendship is the most precious things that we have and to keep it. 
3. Apologize & Forgive
ini adalah satu sesi yang gw lakuin pas malam mabit, dimana satu kelas dikumpulin dan harus mengucapkan kata maaf ke semua anggota kelas 91. mula-mula gw deg-degan. tapi bukan deg-degan karna takut melainkan deg-degan karna gw mikir 'ini adalah moment yang gw nantiin dari kemaren' dan saat giliran gw yang ngomong, suara gw bener2 parau dan bener ready to cry banget.... walhasil cuma pesen singkat dehh. but it was the most touching moment ever.. terlebih lagi setelah rizky meluk gw oh my god! and we all get together like we used to and i will learn from my previous mistake!
4. I've watched WATCHMEN
oh my gosh i've already watched watchmen guyss hip hip horrayy!! it was great though gak nyangka film yang background nya "SUPERHERO" bisa dibuat sekomplex dan serumit itu meskipun sebelum nonton banyak banget halangan.... yang pertama bingung nonton bareng siapa, karna temen2 gak ada yang mau hufff.....kedua dimarahin ma nyokap soalnya ngerepotin (yaelahhh nonton doangg)......
tapi akhirnya nonton jugaaa!! yeaaayy yeaaayyy yeayyy wooowww kerennn mungkin actionnya kurang banyak kali ya booo tapi selain itu everything was super-great, it is an extraordinary movie unlike the others.
giveee 8.5/10 

Friday, March 13, 2009

WHAT A SHAME : When The Chair Fell Down

okay this was such a humiliating moment i've ever been through in my whole life...

DID YOU KNOW.....earlier this month i fell from a chair woooooooooooooooo god i'm pretty sure i was really looked stupid at that moment.

so this is the story begin.... one day saat gw lagi bercakap-cakap dengan dena, gw duduk di kursi nya rambang. and i didn't knew it... kalo ternyata usut punya usut kursi rambang itu rusak, lalu tanpa sengaja kursi itu jatoh kebelakang sedangkan gw ikut jatoh kebelakang dan niban meja ampe meja juga jatohh....


wooooww gw jatuh bersama dengan kursi dan meja, alhasil semua orang ngeliat gw jatuh begitu aja dan mulai tertawa keras, bahkan ampe ada yang ngampirin cuma buat ngeliat kondisi gw yang sangat memprihatinkan!!!! 

sometimes when you don't know what are you going to do, you're going to do something stupid even worse than stupid!!

so when i fell over the chair and i was laid on the floor... gw gak langsung gtu aja berdiri gw malah tiduran lagi!!! hahah so stupid. saking gw bingungnya gw mau ngapain karna semua orang udah ngetawain gw keras-keras dan gw udah penuh dengan MALU!!!! and then constantly gw duduk dan narik dasi rizky kenceng2 sambil nutupin muka gw di dada rizky saking malunya gw gak berani ngeliat orang2!!!! wooooo

Komentar-komentar soal kejadian itu :
deti 'mel kok lo malah tidur lagi sihh?'
rizky 'ya ampun amel lo kenapa?'
alfan 'amel kocak banget jatohnya kayak orang PINGSAN!'
faldy '(sambil nunjuk kearah gw) hahahahahhahahahaahahahahhaha!"
Dena 'makanya jadi orang jangan banyak gaya!'
vira 'amel gw aneh deh, kok lo tidur lagi!'
anis 'ihh amel mukanya merahh tuhhh'



ohhhhh i love THE CARDIGANS
everything about them is so fascinating....

especially NINA PERSSON gives a magic to every single song!

okayy gw beli cd THE CARDIGANS dari udah lama sihhh..... tapi baru kerasa kalo gw ternyata CARDIGANSHOLIC baru akhir-akhir iniii....well meskipun gw hanya punya satu albumnya yaitu yang THE BEST OF THE CARDIGANS..... woww it was such a great album. 

you must  know about LOVEFOOL, do you know about CARNIVAL? BEEN IT? MY FAVORITE GAME? trust me they are all great!! 
bener-bener seneng ama THE CARDIGANS!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


okayyy last sunday i went to cinema..... and i watched 2 movies in a day
first i watched PUSH and then MARLEY & ME

and i wanna tell you what i'm thinking about these moviess....

cast : dakota fanning, chris evans, camilla belle, djimon hounso

mmmmm i think there is nothing special about this moviee. mungkin karna kita udah familiar dengan cerita seputar orang-orangg yang punya kekuatan super dan berusaha untuk tampil normall terlebih lagi dengan booming-nye heroes di indonesia..

biasa aja,,,, aktingnya dakota fanning juga biasa aja...... gak se-wah biasanya. (although you might be surprise, to look how grown up she was) yuppp kayanya di film ini yang bener2 nunjukin kalau dakota sudah menginjak remaja......

naskahnya keliatan terlalu dibuat2 menurut gw.... dan semua adegan nya juga biasa biasa ajaaa, terlalu standar untuk ukuran film action dan juga tidak terlalu berat! jadi kalau misalkan mau menonton film action sekedar ngilangin kepenatan aja di anjurkan nonton PUSH!

cast : jennifer aniston, owen wilson, alan arkin

the movie was kinda touching me at the end.
lumayanlahh buat drama keluarga, meskipun keliatannya agak vulgar dan ada beberapa adegan yang gak pantas diliat anak kecil!

tapi bagus, ringan dan menyentuh!

humor-humor di film MARLEY AND ME kurang lucu, padahal ada owen wilson loh....
ok tapi ada faktor yang ngebuat film ini lumayan lucu yaitu alan arkin, si kakek brandal di little miss sunshine sama bos nya steve carell di get smart. gak tau kenapa ngeliat dia pinginnya senyum ajaaa mungkin karna masih kebawa little miss sunshine kali yee...!! hihihih

endingnya bener2 nyentuh gw dan hampir ngebuat gw nangis tapi untung aja gakk.... but weird...mungkin karna naskahnya kurang greget atau ada faktor lain di otak gw (in this case my brother and sister were kinda annoying me while i was watching) jadinya pas film selesai diputar dan keluar dari bioskop tiba-tiba aja blank langsung lupa gitu aja gw ama marley and me...... jadi marley and me gak terlalu spesial buat gw!!

tapi lumayanlah buat ngisi waktu luang!!

Does watchmen not release in indonesia? or it's just been delayed?


because yesterday when i went to cinema, i saw watchmen's trailer....

jadi ada kemungkinan kalau watchmen jadi tayang di indonesia, tapi di tunda....

mungkin karna perilisannya di amerika sendiri pun dimundurkan tanggallnya... karna ada masalah dalam rumah produksi mana yang berhak memegang film watchmen ini,,,,,makanya yang tadinya watchmen di jadwalkan rilis 3 maret di amerika akhir nya menjadi 6 maret untuk amerikaaa

i hope i can watch watchmen!!!!!! 

Friday, March 6, 2009

click click flash!


oh no!

after all  these days! a hundred of expectations!
what i've been waiting and only......


tidak tayang di indonesia!!!!!

my heart went down and broke in a hundred pieces!

karna sampai sekarang 06 03 09 
watchmen belum juga ada di kolom NOW PLAYING ato seenggaknya COMING SOON di website 21/xxi

in this case you can log on to

huhuhuh! hiks hiks TT_TT
why lord why?
i'm screaming! kenapa watchmen gak tayang di indonesia???
atau mungkin harapan terakhir gw adalah watchmen "AKAN" tayang di indonesia. mungkin belum muncull...... 

kenapa sihhh gak tayang.......
di duga karna terlalu brutal,,,,, gw dapet sumber ini dari salah satu kaskus (i forget the name),,,,,,,,
dan terlalu mengumbar kesadisan, sex, nudity, profanity!!   

kecewa berat sumpah! padahal udah seneng banget ngeliat trailer nya, and then what do i get : NOTHING!
O big ZERO!

gak bisa liat deh aksinya nite owl, dan silk spectre! dan gw liat.....watchmen kebanyakan dapat review yang baguuss! dan ini makin membuat kekecewaan ku semakin mendalam! 

all i can do now is pray, hopefully watchmen is going to come to indonesia! bukan tidak ditayangkan\\

sebenarny belum 100% yakin sih watchmen bener2 gak ditayangin di indonesia baru beberapa persen, tapi gak 100% yakin juga watchmen bakal ditayangin di indonesia!!!!

berdoa saja semoga benar2 tayang! dan semoga dvd watchmen (untuk 4-5bulan kedepan) dijual di indonesia yang versi director's cut nyaaa


hard candy and hard to speak

should i yell this 'apologize' word for you
in the meantime i don't know what is up to you!
when i walked across the way, you wouldn't even wanted to look at these eyes! i don't even know who you really were.

what is you're furious about?
is this fighting worth for all of these joy that we've been it together!
i know you well, do you know me well either?
can't you see i'm always standing beside you!
no doubt, fearless and brave!

i know it's kinda complicated when you don't know what is THE RIGHT or THE WRONG! FRIEND or FOE! GOOD or BAD! HATE or LOVE!
just because we trapped in this tricky situation doesn't mean our friendship end with this way

this is the last moments of ours
i don't wanna this "hating each other"-thing ruin it
and all i've ever wanted for this moment is i could see you're smile heavily waving downway for me and you're laugh suronding my day!
i hope you well

and i hope you see who i really was!

so rough and sweet xoxo hard candy!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

amelia : MY L.I.S.T

what is the L.I.S.T?
sekumpulan pendapat-pendapat gw tentang pop culture, entertainment, movie, music, hottest boys in town and moreeee.

this the first edition of amelia's LIST

for my opinion my opinion .......

the coolest women in the whole world are :

she is the greatest, powerfull and strongest woman in this music industry...she has the big influence for style, pop culture, entertainment, and music....
my favorite tracks by madonna : like it or not, give it to me, like a virgin, like a prayer, lucky star, get together.

  Nina Simone 
she has this strong and bold charisma for being a singer. her voice is so strong and makes me feeling good just like his song....
favorite tracks : feeling Good

         Shirley Manson 

hey you know about garbage? not that garbage for disposing thing,, but garbage (band)....... shirley is the former singer of garbage.....doesn't like emily haines or nina persson who prefer sing with this nicely and smoothy voice. but her voice is rough and harder! and made me feeling very very proud when i bought garbage VERSION 2.0,,,, it was dope!
favorite tracks : tell me where it hurts, 1# crush, i think i'm paranoid, when i grow up

         Emily Haines ......
she is former singer of metric, one of my favorite band. her voice is like smooth rock n roll thing. she also sing for broken social scene.
favorite tracks : combat baby, wet blanket, anthem for the 17 years old girl

 PEACHES  ........
peaches is a singer aka a rockstar whos shown up her wild lifestyle and her sensuality. her bad rock n roll life make this woman more cooler than ever.
favorite tracks : f*ck the pain away, operate, boys wanna be her

    Ellen Page 
i've been adoring her since JUNO.......
her tiny body made such a huge debut acting in juno. but she doesn't wanna be such a hilary or lindsay lohan, who always become a headline in front of people magazine! 
her coolness and anti-pop culture-for hollywood is enough for making me impress by her....
favorite works by ellen page : Juno, tracey fragments, hard candy, her anyone else but you-version by her and michael cera and Zupp Zupp!


Saturday, February 28, 2009


here are the nominees :

Supporting Actress 
penelope cruz-vicky christina barcelona
sempet nonton sihhh tapi biasa aja tuhh..... mungkin gara2 kurang konsen ya nontonnya, because while i watched that movie, i was preparing things for study tour to bandung with neza, deta deti , vira , niken at dety's home. 

the host was hugh jackman!
i saw on youtube THE MUSICAL IS BACK 
it was great, beyonce performed with jackman.... and then there were amanda seyfried with dominic cooper... and then there were this horrible couple from high school musical disney company.... no doubt vanessa hudgens and his sweet boy zac efron! uhhh whos invited these people?! oscar company should shame about it uhhh
i hate ZANNESA none offense and no hard feelings XOXOXO